Sheriff's Office
Dustin D. Heuerman, County Sheriff
Champaign County Coronavirus Response Webpage
Do you have what it takes to be successful in this challenging, yet rewarding, career?

Law Enforcement Deputy and Correctional Officer Applicant Testing
The Sheriff’s office allows candidates to test year-round for the positions of deputy sheriff and corrections deputy. Deputies are required to be at least 21 years of age at the time of employment and correctional officers are required to be at least 18 years of age at the time of employment. Applicant can have no felony or certain misdemeanor convictions (a full list of the disqualifying misdemeanor convictions can be found on the ILETSB webpage: Upon employment, deputies and correctional officers are required to live in Champaign County or a surrounding county bordering Champaign County. Deputies living within Champaign County have the added benefit of a take-home patrol car.
Starting salary in 2025 for a patrol deputy is approximately $67,267 in the first year, $71,718 after a year of service, and $79,248 by five years of service.
Starting salary in 2025 for a correctional officer is approximately $54,018 in the first year, $55,474 after a year of service, and $61,298 by five years of service.
To fill out an application and schedule a test, go to This is an offsite link,
select Law Enforcement or Corrections and sign up for the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office.
What to expect at the website: This is an offsite link.
- Completion of the application process
- Review all information related to the Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Deputy or Correctional Officer position, including minimum requirements, salary and benefits.
- Detailed information about the testing process for the entry level test.
- Opportunity to take online practice tests at This is an offsite link
- Schedule your own convenient test time. Tests are offered multiple times a week, including Saturdays.
- Take high quality job simulation tests in a standardized, fair testing environment.
Upon completion of the entry level exam, all candidate scores are automatically forwarded to the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office. Candidates who attain a passing score on the entry level exam will be placed on the department’s eligibility list. The Champaign County Sheriff’s Office will contact candidates on the list and will invite them to continue to participate in other stages of the selection process as the opportunity arises, including an interview, physical agility test (for patrol deputy candidates), an in-depth background check, psychological exam, and medical exam, to include a drug screen (candidates must test negative for all illicit drugs, including marijuana).
National Testing Network is a service provided to conduct entry level testing in a standardized, professional environment. National Testing Network does not replace the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office responsibility and decision making in the testing process. All candidate results are provided to the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office where the final decisions are made.
More information on each of these positions can be found here:
Champaign County Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement Deputy Recruitment Packet
Champaign County Sheriff's Office Correctional Officer Recruitment Packet
Deputy applicants with at least one year of full-time law enforcement experience, and correctional officer applicants with at least one year of full-time corrections experience, may forego the written exam and move directly to the interview phase of the hiring process. Each may also be able to start higher on the wage scale than an entry-level employee, based on the respective Collective Bargaining Agreement.
To express interest as an experienced/lateral applicant, please e-mail a copy of your resume to Teresa Schleinz at or contact her at 217-384-1205
for more information or questions.
Court Security Officer
Applications for Court Security Officer are accepted when there is an opening. Openings will be listed on Champaign County’s page: This is an offsite link. Court Security Officers must be at least 21 years of age at the time of employment.
Starting salary in 2025 for a Court Security Officer is approximately $50,544 in the first year, $51,438 after a year of service, and $55,432 by five years of service.
Support Positions
There are a variety of support positions at the Sheriff’s office. Some include records clerk, visitation clerk, administrative assistant, master control operator and data/crime analyst. Applications for these positions are accepted when there is an advertised opening. Openings will be listed on Champaign County’s page: This is an offsite link.
All final candidates are required to go through a comprehensive background check.