Champaign County Board

Jennifer Locke, Chair
Emily Rodriguez, Vice-Chair

Champaign County was incorporated on February 20, 1833. Township form of government was adopted in 1859. On November 8, 2016, County voters passed a referendum changing to the County Executive (without home rule) form of government. Champaign County became the second County in Illinois to adopt this form of government.

The County Board currently has 11 Districts, with two members representing each District for a total of 22 Board members. The County Board Chair is elected from the Board members.

Strategic Plan


  • Diversity
  • Teamwork
  • Responsibility to the Public
  • Justice
  • Quality of Life


Our vision is to be a recognized leader in local government where every official and employee has a personal devotion to excellence in public service and embraces the highest standards of ethics and integrity to serve the citizens of Champaign County.


The Champaign County Board is committed to the citizens of Champaign County by providing services in a cost-effective and responsible manner; which services are required by state and federal mandates, and additional services as prioritized by the County Board in response to local and community priorities.


  1. Appreciation of the diverse culture within our community
  2. Strive for a workforce reflective of the community
  3. Equal and inclusive access to services and programs
  1. Intra-governmental cooperation
  2. Inter-governmental cooperation
  3. Legislative advocacy
  4. Collaboration to achieve goals
  5. Civility and cooperation among the County Board
  1. Fiscal solvency
  2. Transparency
  3. Efficient and friendly delivery of services
  4. Ethical behavior
  5. Adaptive thinking
  6. Long-term planning
  1. Equal access to civil and criminal justice services
  2. Place value on public safety and individuals' rights
  3. Encourage effective communication among public safety/criminal justice system providers
  4. Prevention of recidivism
  5. Manage safe and secure detention facilities
  1. Value broad range of quality education
  2. Manage and encourage delivery of quality and effective health care services
  3. Effectively manage real estate tax cycle
  4. Support of local business community
  5. Promote effective economic development
  6. Management of natural resources
  7. Provide transportation options and safe, long-lasting infrastructure


GOAL 1 - operate a high performing, open, transparent county government

Strategic Initiatives:

  1. Compile a list of all county services, noting mandated services
  2. Develop strategies for retention of workforce and continuity of leadership
  3. Ensure all new programs have plans for sustainability past startup
  4. Diversify county workforce
  5. Improve communications with public and within county workforce
  6. Improve listening and cooperation among board members

GOAL 2 - maintain high quality public facilities and roads and a safe rural transportation system

Strategic Initiatives:

  1. Fund facility maintenance projects per 10-year deferred maintenance plan
  2. *Address facility/operational needs of Sheriff’s office and jails
  3. Implement county facility energy reduction plans
  4. Fund county roadway projects per 5-year pavement management system plan
  5. Support intergovernmental agreements for rural transportation and transportation options

GOAL 3 - promote a safe, healthy, just community

Strategic Initiatives:

  1. *Support intergovernmental agreements for implementation of Racial Justice Task Force recommendations
  2. Support economic development for disadvantaged communities
  3. Ensure water quality and quantity from Mahomet Aquifer

GOAL 4 - support planned growth to balance economic growth with natural resource preservation

Strategic Initiatives:

  1. Support intergovernmental cooperation in planning land use and fringe areas to contain urban sprawl and preserve farmland
  2. Encourage participation in regional planning efforts
  3. Encourage development/use of sustainable energy

GOAL 5 - maintain safe and accurate county records and perform county administrative, governance, election and taxing functions for county residents

Strategic Initiatives

  1. Develop strategies for declining state financial support
  2. Fund 5-year information technology replacement plan
  3. Establish system of codification for county ordinances and resolutions
  4. Improve county’s financial position

*Special project for which additional revenue and/or partners must be identified.