Champaign County Treasurer/Collector

NOTICE to the Public: The Treasurer’s office will charge $5 for rejected payments and $30 for NSF payments.

Payment Options

Advance Payments Return to top

Advance real estate tax payments are accepted each year from December 1 through December 31 only. A December 31 postmark will be accepted as on-time.

Payments may be made in the following manner:

  • Minimum - 50% of the previous years total
  • Maximum - 10% over the previous years total
  • New Construction will be allowed to estimate accordingly

Any outstanding balance will be due by the second installment due date.

If your advance payment results in an overpayment, a refund check will be issued to you.

Taxpayers are required to fill out an Advance Payment Form and return it each year. After your first year of participation in this program the form will be sent to you.

Bank Payments Return to top

Many of the banks listed below have multiple branches or facilities in Champaign County. Contact the individual bank for further information.

In Person/Mail Payments Return to top

Tax payments are accepted in person at the Champaign County Treasurer's Office, 1776 E. Washington, Urbana, IL. Forms of payment accepted are

  • Cash
  • Personal, business and e-checks (received in office by 4:30 PM on September 30. - POSTMARK DOES NOT APPLY)
  • Cashier's Check or Money Order
  • Credit/Debit Card - VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover accepted through September 30. (*processing fee required - see below)
  • PayPal/PayPal Credit (online only)
  • Apple Pay/Google Pay (in office only)

Payments can also be mailed to the following addresses:

  • Champaign County Collector
  • 1776 E. Washington St.
  • Urbana, IL 61802
  • Champaign County Collector
  • P. O. Box 4306
  • Springfield, IL 62708-4306
By check, via US Mail, postmark is acceptable date paid.

A secure 24-hour drop box is also located in the south circle drive of the Brookens Center, 1776 E. Washington St., Urbana, IL

Late Payments Return to top

Current Real Estate Tax dates to be aware of:

All payments must be received in the office by stated dates

**Postmarks Do Not Apply**

September 30 (4:30 p.m.): Last day to pay with a personal, business or e-check, and credit/debit card. Beginning the next business day only money orders, cashiers check or cash will be accepted. This is according to State of Illinois law.

Tentatively October 4 (12:00 p.m.): Cut-off for names to appear in the newspaper.

Tentatively anyone unpaid after 12:00 p.m. on October 4 will, by law, appear in their local newspaper. There will be No Exceptions and No Retractions .

The publication of names is a legal requirement of the State of Illinois and is intended as notification of unpaid taxes. The newspapers require 10 business days to prepare for publication of the delinquent list. The delinquent list must be published by October 11.

October 2: By law, a $10 cost is added to the amount due on each parcel to cover the cost of the certified notices and the publication of names.

October 24 (TBD): Judgment will be taken in Courtroom D in the Courthouse in Urbana. This is a legal process of providing proof to a Judge that all of the legal requirements of notification have been performed according to the law. Once satisfied, the Judge then orders the unpaid taxes sold at the annual tax sale.

October 24 (4:30 pm): Last day to pay prior to the annual tax sale. Anything unpaid at 4:30 pm will be included in the annual tax sale.

October 25 (9:00 am): Annual Tax Sale in the Gymnasium of the Brookens Administrative Center in Urbana. This is a legal process of selling taxes, not property.

How Interest is Calculated

First Installment Due Date June 3

  • If Paid On
  • Through
  • Interest
  • June 4
  • July 3
  • + 1.5%
  • July 4
  • August 3
  • + 3.0%
  • August 4
  • September 3
  • + 4.5%
  • September 4
  • October 3
  • + 6.0%
  • October 4
  • October 24
  • + 7.5%

Second Installment Due Date September 3

  • If Paid On
  • Through
  • Interest
  • September 4
  • October 3
  • + 1.5%
  • October 4
  • October 24
  • 3% plus $10.00

Online/Telephone Payments Return to top

Bank Online Bill Pay

Champaign County Treasurer's Office is now recognized as an electronic payee. For residents making payment through their bank's online bill payment service please use "County Collector" as the payee name and enter only your twelve digit PIN as your account number.

May take up to several business days for the County to receive and post your payment

Internet Payments

Pay Taxes On-Line. Your PIN number is needed.
*(processing fee required - see below)
  • Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover (accepted through Midnight September 30th)
  • Debit Card (accepted through Midnight September 30th)
  • eCheck (must be received in office by 4:30 pm September 30th)

Pay by Phone

Toll free phone payments at 217-834-8713. Your PIN number is needed.
*(processing fee required - see below)

*Processing Fee Required:

  • Credit Cards: 2.25% (Minumum $2.95) per transaction
  • Debit: 2.25% (Minumum $2.95) per transaction
  • eChecks: $0.95

How to "Pay Under Protest" your 2023 Real Estate Taxes Return to top

Illinois law regarding "Paying Under Protest" changed in 2003. The current statute can be found at 35 ILCS 200/23-10. According to statute, the County Treasurer is not involved in any aspect of paying under protest. The guidelines outlined below are not comprehensive or all inclusive. The County Treasurer does not provide legal advice. We suggest that taxpayers consult an attorney for any legal advice concerning payment of real estate taxes under protest.

The following are guidelines for paying your real estate taxes under protest:

  • Taxes must be paid in full, including any late fees, no later than October 24, even if the taxpayer is "paying under protest".
  • After paying real estate taxes in full, the taxpayer must file a "Tax Objection". This objection, in triplicate, is filed with the Champaign County Circuit Clerk within 75 days of the first penalty date for the second installment of real estate taxes.
  • Once the taxpayer has completed number 1 and 2, 100% of your tax is considered "Paid Under Protest" and is subject to the now pending tax objection case.
  • The tax payment is not held in escrow. It is distributed to the taxing districts as any other payment would be. No funds are withheld from any taxing district while the tax objection case is pending.

Returned/Refused Payments Return to top

If your payment is returned or refused for any reason the payment is void. Statutory interest on the tax due will accrue until the time of payment, and a charge of $30.00 will be made by the Collector.