Champaign County Treasurer/Collector
Frequently Asked Questions
Champaign County property is assessed by individual township assessors who evaluate property as of January 1 and submit their work to the County Supervisor of Assessments by June 15. Property is assessed at one-third of market value. If assessments do not reflect this share of market price, the Supervisor of Assessments may adjust them up or down by a factor called a township multiplier. The Supervisor of Assessments then mails owners notices of changes made by township Assessors. Township miltipliers are published in Newspapers and are on the County website. Owners who think an assessment is incorrect may appeal to the Board of Review from July 1 through September 10.
For tax year 2023 (payable in 2024) all assessments were finalized by August 2, 2023 and Board of Review appeals were completed by February 8, 2024.
Champaign County assessments were sent to the Illinois Department of Revenue for their review in February 2024. The County was issued a “multiplier of 1” in March, meaning that the state found they were done properly.
Tax bills list the governing units which have levied taxes on the property. The biggest portion is for school districts. By December 31, each of these government units voted on how much they needed in taxes. Illinois law restricts most tax levies to increases no higher than the growth in assessed value and the consumer price index. The tax levies for all governments were filed with the County Clerk’s office which then calculated the rates to be applied to each property.
All tax bills were mailed by May 1. If you did not receive a bill, by law it is your responsibility to contact our office to request a duplicate bill. Please call us at 217-384-3743, or
Please check your real estate closing documents, your Title Company or your attorney to see if you owe taxes this year. Depending on the date of the closing and the date the deed was recorded, the tax bill may have been sent to the previous owner. If you find that you do owe taxes, please contact our office for a duplicate bill..
It is your responsibility to forward the bill to the new owner.
The first installment is due by June 3. The second installment is due by September 3. Payments postmarked on the due date are accepted as on time.
We send copies to owners so they can check assessments and exemptions. If your mortgage company pays your bill, your copy will have the message: “this amount has been reported to a mortgage company. (See payment information.)”
If your payment coupon does not have this message, and your mortgage company is paying the bill, you are responsible for getting the bill to them and the amount due.
Here are several convenient methods, all listed on the back of each payment coupon:
- Pay at a local participating bank—banks are on our website.
- Please make checks payable to Champaign County Collector, include the payment coupon and mail to Champaign County Collector, P.O. Box 4306, Springfield, IL 62708-4306
- Pay on-line at or call toll-free 217-834-8713 with a credit or debit card or eCheck. Your property’s PIN is needed for both on-line and phone payments. The following debit and credit cards can be used: VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
- Pay at our office at the Brookens Center, 1776 E. Washington St., Urbana: 8 AM to 4:30 PM, M-F, except holidays. We extend our hours on due dates: 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM. You may also use our 24-hour drop box, south circle drive (under the flag pole) in front of Brookens. We accept cash and money orders as well as debit cards and the credit cards listed in the above item
A payment returned for any reason is void. A charge of $30 will be made and statutory interest on the tax due will accrue until proper payment is made.
Late payment schedules are attached to each payment coupon. Please use these schedules only if paying late. By state law, interest of 1.5% a month, or any part of a month, must be charged.
Yes, we send reminders shortly after both due dates. We send press releases to local media before bills are mailed and before each due date.
The last day to pay with a personal/business check is September 30. Beginning October 1, we will only accept cash, money orders, cashier’s checks and certified checks in our office. You may also pay on-line at or use the number 217-834-8713 until September 30.
We are required by law to notify you two ways if you are unable to pay your taxes. In October we send a delinquent notice to you by certified mail. Your name and the amount due are then published in the newspaper. Taxes that remain unpaid will be sold at the annual tax sale. If any taxes are unpaid after 4:30 PM, October 24, we will hold a tax sale on October . Any unpaid taxes will be “sold” to a tax buyer, who will pay them for the taxpayer. The property itself is not sold, just the taxes.
After the tax sale you are liable for the amount sold at the tax sale plus interest—at a rate determined the day of the sale. About two weeks after the tax sale, you can call the County Clerk at 217-384-3722 to find out how much you owe.
Within four months of the tax sale you will receive a Take Notice from the County Clerk stating the amount you owe and when that amount will increase.
To redeem your taxes, you need to pay the County Clerk who will then repay the tax buyer. If you fail to redeem your taxes before the deadline, the tax buyer has the legal right to petition the circuit court for a deed to the property.
The back of your tax bill lists the offices with responsibility for each portion of the tax process and the contact information for each.
The fee is charged by the vendor processing the payment for the county. Retail establishments include this processing fee in the prices they charge. However, this cannot be done for a tax.