Champaign County Solid Waste Management Plan 2022 Update, Approved August 18, 2022


The Solid Waste Management Act (Public Act 85-1319) and the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act (Public Act 85-1198) passed by the Illinois General Assembly by 1988, assigned to counties the responsibility for conserving remaining landfill space by requiring the counties to develop, adopt, and implement plans to reduce reliance on landfills for waste disposal and to establish solid waste management directions for a 20-year period.

Champaign County Board Resolution No. 3077 on February 19, 1991
Champaign County adopted the Champaign County Solid Waste Management Plan (CCSWMP) by Resolution Number 3077 on February 19, 1991. The CCSWMP adopted in 1991 consists of five parts as follows:

Five-Year Update Requirement

The Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act (SWPRA) requires each county’s waste management plan to be reviewed and updated every five years, and any necessary or appropriate revisions be submitted to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for review and comment. To date, the County adopted 5-year updates to the CCSWMP in 1996, 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017. The Champaign County Regional Planning Commission will start a comprehensive review and update of the Champaign County Solid Waste Management Plan during 2018.